Japanese convenience store ‘standard dessert’🍰

Japanese convenience store desserts that you must try when traveling to Japan!

1. Mochi texture roll (cream containing milk from Hokkaido)

Distributor: Lawson

Price: 295 yen (tax included)

Calories : 625kcal

One-line review: A classic mochi roll that is chewy and full of milk flavor!

2. Kamadashi Torokeru Pudding (窯出しとろけるプリン)

Distributor: Family Mart

Price: 158 yen (tax included)

Calories: 209kcal

One-line review: The epitome of soft pudding! The eggs and whipped cream have a rich taste.

3. Uchi Cafe' SWEETS Premium Roll Cake (Uchi Cafe' SWEETS プレミアムロールケーキ)

Distributor : Lawson

Price : 150 yen ( tax included )

Calories : 215kcal

One-line review: Moist and sweet bread filled with whipped cream that gives you a deep milky taste !

4. Shuara Cream (シュー・ア・ラ・クレーム)

Retailer: 7-Eleven

Price : 140 yen ( tax included )

Calories : 185kcal

One-line review : Cream puff full of vanilla bean scent

5. Double Cream Custard & Whipped Choux

Retailer: 7-Eleven

Price : 151 yen ( tax included )

Calories : 342kcal

One-line review : A cream puff filled with custard cream and whipped cream inside a thin choux.

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