Just the taste of Japan! Japanese Homemade Egg Recipe🍳

Just the taste of Japan! Collection of Japanese home-cooked egg recipes

1. Soy sauce egg sauce (煮卵, flavored egg sauce)

A simple egg dish that's good as a side dish or pretty to put in a lunch box! It's a simple recipe, but depending on what soy sauce you use, the dish has a unique taste.


4 eggs | 40ml water | Shoyu 30ml | Mirin 20ml | 2 teaspoons sugar


1) Place eggs in boiling water and boil for 7 minutes. When it's all boiled, peel it. At this time, you can peel the egg more easily by soaking it in cold water and peeling it.

2) Add water, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar to a pot and boil to make seasoning.

3) Pour the cooled seasoning into the peeled eggs and leave to marinate overnight.

2.Cheese omelet (チーズオムレツ)

It is a delicately difficult dish that requires careful attention to folding the omelet beautifully and not overcooking it. So, here is a simple way to cook an omelet in the microwave! It’s perfect for breakfast on a busy day, so be sure to give it a try!


2 eggs | 30g mozzarella cheese | 2 spoons of milk | 2 pinches of salt and pepper | Ketchup | parsley


1) Break the eggs into a bowl, add mozzarella cheese, milk, salt and pepper and mix.

2) Place plastic wrap in a heat-resistant bowl and add the above dough. (Based on 500W) Heat in the microwave for 1 minute and mix. Then heat again for about 1 minute and 30 seconds until the top is soft-boiled.

3) Take out the cooked egg and roll up both sides of the wrap to shape it.

4) Sprinkle parsley and ketchup on top if desired.

3.Japanese egg roll (卵焼き)

Egg rolls are a common side dish for lunch boxes. To achieve a pretty yellow color, you need to season it simply using only soy sauce and salt. Still, the taste we all know. it is delicious!


3 eggs | 1 teaspoon sugar | 1 teaspoon soy sauce (usuguchi shoyu) | 1 teaspoon cooking oil | two pinches of salt


1) Break the eggs into a bowl and mix with chopsticks as if cutting the yolk, then add sugar, soy sauce, and salt.

2) Heat a frying pan over medium heat, spray cooking oil on it and wipe it with a paper towel.

3) Pour 1/4 of the egg mixture into a frying pan and fry. Roll the cooked part, pouring egg water at the end and rolling repeatedly.

4) Cut the completed egg rolls after cooling slightly.

4. Spinach egg roll (ほうれん草入り卵焼き)

There may be days when you want to eat egg rolls that are a little different from usual. How about spinach egg rolls for those times? It has a good nutritional balance and its bright green color makes it look good in a lunch box. It's a little easy to burn, so just be careful!


4 bunches of spinach | 4 eggs | 2/3 spoon of soy sauce (shirosoyu) | 1 teaspoon sugar | 2 spoons of water


1) Wash the spinach well, boil it briefly, cut it into 1cm long pieces, and squeeze out the moisture.

2) Break the egg into a bowl and mix with soy sauce, sugar, water, and spinach.

3) Heat a frying pan over medium heat, spray with cooking oil and wipe with a paper towel.

4) Pour 1/4 of the egg mixture into a frying pan and fry. Roll the cooked part, pouring egg water at the end and rolling repeatedly.

5) Cut the completed egg rolls after cooling slightly.

5. Soy sauce egg sauce (卵黄の醤油漬け)

A dish that is the pinnacle of simplicity, completed simply by dipping the yolk in soy sauce and mirin! You can enjoy different flavors depending on what soy sauce you use and how long you soak it. The remaining egg whites are also delicious in Japanese miso soup!


1 yolk | 2 teaspoons soy sauce | 1 teaspoon mirin


1) Mix soy sauce and boiled mirin with alcohol removed in a 2:1 ratio.

2) Add the yolk to the seasoning in step 1.

3) Cover with a lid or wrap and place in the refrigerator to marinate.

Difference in texture of yolk depending on pickling time

4 hours | The outside hardens slightly and feels like a film has formed.

8 hours | The outside feels like jam and the inside oozes out.

12 hours | It is sticky both on the outside and inside. It will reach a consistency that sticks to the spoon.

24 hours | The outside is pretty hard and the inside is sticky. The whole thing is like jelly.

48 hours | It becomes an apricot-like consistency and does not run out when you break the yolk.

Recommended dishes based on differences in yolk texture

If you are making egg rice, we recommend pickling it for 8-12 hours! You can enjoy a rich flavor as the egg sticks to the rice grains rather than seeping into the rice. Since the hardness of the outside and inside of the yolk is different, it is better to eat if you mix it slightly in advance and sprinkle it on the rice.

The longer the yolk is soaked, the more moisture it loses, the stickier it becomes, and the stronger the taste, so if it has been soaked for more than 24 hours, it is recommended to serve it with rice balls. The cheese-like texture and rich soy sauce soaked into the inside make it the perfect ingredient for rice balls!

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