A park that looks like a fairy tale! Akebono Park๐Ÿ„

A beautiful park with scenery that looks like a fairy tale has been brought to reality

Akebono Kodomo no Moriko-en

Akebono Children's Forest Park

Place : 893-1 Azu , Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture
* About 19 minutes on foot from Motokaji Station

Opening hours :
Weekdays 9:00 am- 17:00 pm
Sat , Sun 9:00 am- 21:00 pm

Fee : Free

Park concept : Nordic fairy tale world where you can play in nature

Visit reviews :
1) It's a really, really pretty place in the fall
2) Feels like entering Moomin world ! Fantastic fairy tale atmosphere
3) You can enter the mushroom house in the park .

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