How to take Ota Isan in Japan, price, direct purchase recommended

hello ! This is the Mokomon editor who tells you everything about Japanese products !

The product we are introducing today is Japan’s national digestive aid.

This is Ohta Isan.

Even if there are people who have never tried Otaisan in Japan,

A magical digestive aid that no one has tried just once !

Mokomon will quickly introduce you !

Ohtaisan, Japan?

It is a natural herbal medicine Japanese digestive aid developed by Ohta Isan.

The main ingredients consist of cinnamon , nutmeg , clove , fennel , chin bark , gencia , and fennel root.

What are the benefits of Ohta Isan in Japan?

It has many benefits including relieving heartburn , nausea , and hangovers !

Of course, the best thing to eat is when you can't digest it.

The type from Otaisan, Japan?

There are two types: pill form and granule form.

If you cannot take the granule form, we recommend the pill form.

The one with the fastest efficacy was in granule form !


Price from Otaisan, Japan?

It varies for each store, but based on 48 packets at Don Quijote

It costs about 20,000 won, but can be purchased for 22,300 won when purchased directly from Japan !

How to take Otaisan in Japan?

Adults (15 years and older) 1 serving: 1 packet Number of doses per day: 3 times

Ages 8-14 1 serving : 1/2 packet Number of doses per day : 3 times

Do not take under 8 years of age

What are the precautions for Otaisan?

  1. Do not take if you are receiving dialysis treatment.
  2. Prohibited from long-term continuous use !